City of Angels |
My trip
Los Angeles to climb the US Bank Tower is finally over. I had a great time and
a decent race, but the travel was brutal. Since I haven’t posted for a while*,
this might be a pretty lengthy post since a lot of things have happened since
my last race. Here it goes:
*I have several quasi-finished posts that are in backlog. I’ve just been
too lazy to finish them up.
June I’ve steadily improved, but several injuries & events have hampered my
training. A nagging knee/hamstring injury has curtailed my bike rides since
early July and although it hasn’t impacted my other training, the injury isn’t
getting any better. It might be time for a physical therapist to take a look.
month leading up to the event, I felt pretty good. Although my stairwell sprint
splits were about a second slower than PB, my longer Precor Climber workouts –
which are more important for longer climbs - were rock solid.
nearly fell apart on Saturday during Labor Day weekend*, when I had a freak
accident at the Renaissance Faire. While stepping over a low rock wall, I slipped
and banged the side of my knee. Although it looked like a minor scrape, I was
in excruciating pain for about an hour. Fortunately, after a trip to the
infirmary and some pain medication, I was able to hobble around and make it
back home. The pain flared up again in the middle of the night and at that
point I became worried that I had a broken bone. When Labor day finally rolled
around, the throbbing pain had become a constant dull ache and I surmised that
I had a severe bone bruise; painful but not season ending. On Tuesday (three
days after my injury) my limp was starting to fade and decided to start working out again. I used the Precor Climber,
thinking that it wouldn’t pressure on my injured bone. I was wrong. Although I
made it through my normal routine, my knee still hurt. The following day, I
could barely walk and I had exacerbated my injury.
*The day
after I booked my tickets to LA, go figure.
For the
next several days, I avoided using my legs, but I knew I couldn’t stop working
out since I had a race coming up. My workout of choice became the SCIFIT Pro2
arm cycle. This was a frustrating time. I could only crank out 110 watts on the
machine and cycling at this rate quickly tired out the arms. In essence,
workouts were pure torture for my arm muscles and did very little for my
cardiovascular system.
By the
time Sunday rolled around (September 8th), I was able to do a bit of
swimming and by Wednesday (September 11th) I was back to my regular
The next
week had its own set of challenges. I took a cruise down to the Bahamas, and as
you might have read in this post. I find it nearly impossible to diet on
a cruise ship. During the cruise I tried to eat healthy, but I splurged at
least twice a day with an extra piece of dessert or a slice of pizza. To make
up for some of the calories, I made sure to keep my regular exercise routine.
In fact, I was able to get in two stair climbing workouts on the cruise ship
since they had an 11 story stairwell at the back of the ship (going from level
0 to level 11).
The week
leading up to the race, all the pieces finally came together. My knee was
nearly healed, my weight was stable (176 lbs.) and my fitness levels managed to
hold up. In fact, I nearly set a PB on the Precor Stepper during my last full
Los Angeles:
Warm Welcome: 3 Girls and a Yacht |
I flew
out to LA on Thursday September 26th and was greeted at the airport
by Madeleine, Veronica, and Sandra. What a surprise! Madeleine was letting
David and I stay on their boat “Marisol”
while during our visit to LA and I couldn’t have asked for a better place to
stay. Special thanks go out to Madeleine and her family for treating me so
Beware of Sealions |
that evening I met up with my friend Bob and his son Ben for dinner which
certainly helped my nervers. After dinner, I watched TV until about 10:00 PM
and then went to bed. Although I stayed in bed for a good 8 hours, I didn’t
actually get a lot of sleep. Jet lag, nerves, barking sealions, and David’s late night arrival kept me
awake for several long stretches during the night.
The next
morning, David, Bob, and I carpooled to the race. We arrived around 11:00 AM.
Fact -
The US Bank Tower climb is probably the most well-planned race in the US. Not
only did they close off part of the street for vendors, but they offered showers
at the YMCA, discounted parking, and had live music throughout the entire 6
hour event.
changing into my racing shoes and dropping off my bag, I warmed up with a few
rounds of burpees and a short climb up the steps between the YMCA and the US
Bank Tower.
My goals
for the race were as follows:
- Goal:
Break 11:00 à Stretch
Goal - 10:30
- Goal:
Top 6 (male) à Stretch
Goal – Top 3 (male)
- Stretch
Goal: Don’t get chicked (i.e. get beat by a girl)
75 stories of intimidation |
I knew
my top rivals were going to be John “Oz” Ozborn, Erika Aklufi, and Tristan
Roth. Of the three, I knew Oz and Erika were stronger climbers in taller
buildings, so I knew I would be hard pressed to keep up with either of them.*
Tristan was a bit of a wild card since I knew little about him other than he trains
in Seattle and was expected to be in the top ten. Two other climbers that I
wanted to keep my eye on were Jeff Dinkin and Thomas Scott, who are usually
right on my tail. Other than these few**, the only other people I had to worry
about were the one or two hardcore cyclists, triathletes, or runners who might
give stair climbing a try.
*Now you
know why “don’t get chicked” was a stretch goal.
will notice that I left out Jesse Berg or Tommy Coleman. Those two are still
out of my league.
I made
my way to the starting corral, shaking with nervousness. I had planned to start
5th behind Tommy, Erika, Oz, and Tristan since I figured I’d be
chasing Oz and Tristan for a coveted podium spot. However, a couple of racers
moved in line ahead of me and we jostled for the right to start behind the top
elites. Eventually I settled in behind bib #21 but ahead of Bib #458.
I set my
metronome to 92 BPM (beats per minute). Here was my logic:
- My
overall goal time was 10:30, but I
knew there were several twists and turns and hallways, so I set my vertical goal to be 10:00 flat.
- Since
there were 1679 total steps I knew I needed to do one typical 22 step floor in
7.86 seconds.
- For
a typical floor (11 steps/landing/11 steps) I’d have a total of 12 footfalls.
- 12
footfalls per 7.86 seconds = 92 footfalls per 60 seconds
With 92
BPM, my expected splits (which I wrote under my wrist) were*:
- 25th
floor: 3:16 - 3:25
- 50th
floor: 6:35 - 6:55
*The 1st number represents my vertical goal; the 2nd
number is adjusted for twists, turns, and hallways to achieve my 10:30 goal.
it was my turn to enter the stairwell. I quickly adjusted my pace to the beat
of my metronome even though it seemed awfully slow. Right around the 6th
or 7th floor I let bib #458 pass on by. I wasn’t too worried since I
suspected #458 went out way too fast. I continued to climb and soon enough I
reached the 25th floor. I looked at my watch and I was exactly on
pace @ 3:16. At that point in the race I still felt pretty good. The pace
seemed difficult, yet sustainable.
in the 30s, I finally caught back up to bib #458. Another 5-10 floors later, I
also passed #21. I checked my watch at the 50th floor. 6:40. I was
still right on target, but the real question was whether or not I could sustain
the pace for another 25 floors. I was exhausted, but not completely spent. I
knew I could continue on for at least another minute or two so I kept on marching.
couldn’t shake #21 and he was still riding my coattails. We continued climbing
together for another 10 floors or so. In the upper 50s he made his move and I
couldn’t keep up. In fact, at this point I had reached my limit and he just
went right on by. I was so exhausted, I barely noticed.
only 15 floors to go, I was in deep trouble. Up to this point, I was right on
track to break 10:30*, but now my body couldn’t handle the strain. tried to
keep to the beat of my metronome, but it was no use. I was falling off pace. My
legs and arms were in relatively good shape, but my breathing and heart rate
were getting out of control.
reflecting on this race with a clear mind, I believe I was on track for a 10:15
up when I reached 60th floor.
slogged through the 60s the best I could. I was bleeding time with each step
but I knew the finish line getting closer. I glanced down at my watch and saw 10:10
go right on by. I knew I wouldn’t make 10:30, but 11:00 was still within range.
I stumbled down a short hallway – walking rather than running – and continued
climbing up the next staircase.
My body
was shutting down but I kept on pushing. In the lower 70s I fought for every
step; there wouldn’t be a last minute sprint in this race. The last few floors
were torture. My brain ceased working properly perhaps 10 floors back, but I
could hear myself scream “Go, Go, GO!” deep inside my mind.
I’m glad
I couldn’t think straight because if I was sane, I would have dropped to the ground
several floors back.
By floor
74 I could hear the volunteers at the finish line and out of the corner of my
eye I could see Tristan climbing ahead of me. He finished the race just a few
seconds ahead of me and after the finish line I stopped my watch (10:54) and I
collapsed to the ground.
aftermath of the race was brutal. I couldn’t move and I was in extreme pain. I
crawled into an alcove and lay flat on my back. Normally, I’m able to catch my
breath after a minute or two but this time around my heart rate just wouldn’t
come down. After a couple minutes one of the volunteers asked if I was okay.
Actually, I was pretty scared, but I waved them away and begged for some water.
They completely ignored me, but I wasn’t in any condition to complain. Another
volunteer asked us to clear the area for other racers, but I couldn’t get up.
After laying on the ground for a good 5-10 minutes, with no one else offering
me help me up or giving me water, I decided to I pull myself up and move over
toward the other racers. As I took my first few steps I wondered how I had
climbed the last few floors. I was so exhausted and in so much pain that I
could barely move.
I finally
sat down next to Scott Stanley and I focused on trying to get my heart rate
back down to normal levels. I probably sat down for another 5-10 minutes before
I was able to stand up. Unfortunately the recovery room was located on the 71st
floor or so, so I had to navigate my way down several floors to get both food
and water. I slowly made my way down stopping at each landing to rest for a
moment. As I climbed down I silently cursed the designers of the building for
neglecting to build a service elevator to roof.
In the
recovery room I drank a bottle of water and ate some fruit. I still wasn’t in
any condition to socialize, but I crawled over to bibs #21 & #458. Racer
#21 wasn’t very talkative, but #458 explained how he blew up in the latter half
of the race. He had been practicing climbing up 51 floors and didn’t account
for the extra effort needed to climb an additional 20+ stories.
My Step Brothers & Sisters |
When I
recovered enough to head back outside, it was time to celebrate. I learned my
official time was 10:46, which was a little bit faster than I expected and good
enough for 6th place overall! See the full results here.
Although I didn’t quite reach any of my stretch goals, I met all my primary
goals. Furthermore, I was very happy with the amount of effort I exerted during
the last 15 floors. Although I bonked, I managed to limit my time losses. I
could have easily finished slower than 11:00.
For the
rest of the day I hung out with my friends and relaxed. I even joined Oz,
David, Karen, and Josh for a 2nd climb “just for fun”. Late in the
afternoon, I had the privilege to pace Jesse Berg, one of the fastest stair
climbers in the World. Since he showed up late to the race, several climbers
paced him up the building to move people out of the way while he climbed. I
paced Jesse up the first 18 floors and I learned something valuable. Although
Jesse didn’t have an impressive climb (by his standards) I noticed that his
pace was right in line with mine. The big difference is that I completely
bonked by the 60th floor while he kicked it up a notch at the end.
Although I don’t think I’ll be catching Jesse any time soon, is It is nice to
know that I’m not too far behind the top elites.
Final Thoughts:
Effort: A+ ; This is the hardest I’ve ever
pushed myself. I hope I never have to suffer like this again.
Strategy: B ; I got to the race early, had a
good warm-up, and did my homework on the stairwell. However, my initial pace
was too aggressive and I paid for it late in the climb.
Technique: A ; I climbed very efficiently for
most of the race. The 11/11 stairwell configuration and double handrails is
hard to screw up.
Overall: A- ; This was a solid race. Although
I didn’t meet any of my stretch goals, I came pretty darn close.
Final Comments: My biggest mistake when setting
my pace was assuming it would take an extra 30 seconds to cover all the twists,
turns, and hallways. A better estimate would have been 10 to 15 seconds. If I had to
do the race again, I would have set my pace to cover the vertical height of the
building in 10:15 which turns out to be just over 89 BPM on my metronome. 10:30 might actually be possible.
post wouldn’t be complete without mentioning the “recovery” climb up Mt. Baldy,
which is a ski resort about an hour east of LA. The day following the race, Cindy brought
Karen, Syd, David, and me to Mt. Baldy for a hike. We arrived at the base of
the climb around 1:00 PM and walked up windy dirt road up to the ski lodge.
Although our group couldn’t have been physically more diverse (age, gender, and
body type) the one thing we had in common was a passion for stair climbing,
hence our pace was pretty quick.*
be told, I think the boys were slowing down the girls for most of journey.
that point, we hiked along a narrow twisty trail through the mountains. The
scenery was spectacular. The climate and resulting vegetation is different from
what I typically see in the Adirondack Mountains back home, but no less
spectacular. At the top we could see for miles. I could even Catalina Island!
After a brief rest and a few pictures, we hiked back down and managed to get
back to Cindy’s SUV just before sunset.
The Whole Gang on Mt. Baldy |
From Mt.
Baldy we headed back to LA. When I finally got back to the boat I took a quick shower and then David drove me
to LAX to catch the redeye flight back to New York. I still haven’t caught up
on sleep.